Nije me dugo bilo, ali evo odlučila sam da postavim novi post koji nije baš modni kao svi ostali na blogu. Iako sam u Milanu bila za Novu godinu nisam pisala o tome na blogu. Naime, grad je prelep, ali za onoga ko očekuje da vidi više od kulturnih spomenika i zadivljujuće arhitekture bilo bi bolje da odabere neki drugi grad. To je prvenstveno grad mode i tu možete pronaći sve moguće prodavnice od onih dizajnerskih do običnih. Moje iskustvo je da bi sledeći put otišla tamo isključivo zbog kupovine, jer je samo jedna građevina ostavila utisak na mene, a to je katedrala Duomo. Nadam se da će vam slike preneti bar deo utiska.
I wasn't active for a long time, but I decided to upload a new post, which isn't the fashion one as all the others on the blog. Even though I was in Milan for New Year, I didn't write about that on the blog. Namely, the city is beautiful, but for someone who expects to see more cultural monuments and amazing architecture it would be better to choose some other city to visit. Firstly, it is a fashion city and there you can find all the shops from the designer ones to the simple ones. In my opinion, the next time I would go there it would be only for shopping, because there is only one building which impressed me and that is the Duomo. I hope that my photos will show you at least some of my impressions.
Coat - C&A
Boots - Safran
Bag - David Jones
Trousers - Gift
Gloves - PS
I wasn't active for a long time, but I decided to upload a new post, which isn't the fashion one as all the others on the blog. Even though I was in Milan for New Year, I didn't write about that on the blog. Namely, the city is beautiful, but for someone who expects to see more cultural monuments and amazing architecture it would be better to choose some other city to visit. Firstly, it is a fashion city and there you can find all the shops from the designer ones to the simple ones. In my opinion, the next time I would go there it would be only for shopping, because there is only one building which impressed me and that is the Duomo. I hope that my photos will show you at least some of my impressions.
Coat - C&A
Boots - Safran
Bag - David Jones
Trousers - Gift
Gloves - PS
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