петак, 16. мај 2014.

Black and sunny

Konačno sam našla vremena da postavim novi post. Vreme u Izmiru je prelepo. Danas je izbor pao na kožne helanke, crni sako, belu majicu sa printom i nove espadrile koje su i više nego udobne. Torba je nova i dovoljno je reći da sam se zaljubila u nju čim sam je videla. Kritike i komentare pišite ispod. :)

I finallz found time to make a new post. The weather in Izmir is beautiful. Today I was wearing leather leggings, black blazer, white T-shirt with the print and new espadrilles which are more than comfortable. The bag is new and it is enough to say that I fell in love with it the very moment I saw it. Leave the critics and comments bellow the post.

Blazer - Bershka
T-shirt - Pull and Bear
Leggings thanks to Sheinside
Watch - Cerruti
Sunglasses - Zara
Espadrilles - Toms
Bag - Non-branded

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