петак, 5. јул 2013.

Red lipstick

Evo i novog posta! Otkako su počele vrućine ja ne izlazim iz topa, jer je to jedini način da mi ne ostaju beli delovi na dekolteu od majica. Ovu suknju sam uzela davno u Španiji i baš mi je draga iako se teško pegla, što se može i videti. :) Kao detalj je poslužila ogrlica sa natpisom ,,sedam'', jer je to moj srećan broj i broj meseca u kom sam rođena. Još i crveni karmin da malo začini sve. Podelite sa mnom vaša mišljenja. 

Here is the new post! Since the warm weather started I don't take off the top, because it's the only way to avoid having white parts from T-shirts on the decolltage. I bought this skirt in Spain a long time ago and I really like it even though it's difficult to iron, which is obvious. :) As a detail I used the necklace with the inscription "seven", because it's my lucky number and the number of the month I was born. And the red lipstick spiced up everything. Share your opinions with me.

Skirt - Stradivarius
Top - Terranova
Balerinas - Peacocks
Bag - a present
Necklace - Accessorize
Watch - Cerruti
Sunglasses - Zara

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