Prethodnih 5 dana sam provela na Zlatiboru sa društvom i baš sam se odmorila. S obzirom da smo na planini nije bilo mesta za neke baš elegantne odevne kombinacije, ali evo uspela sam da odaberem jednu. Ovu puder dugu suknju ste već videli OVDE, ali ovaj put je u kombinaciji sa topom. Kako vam se dopada?
I spent last 5 days on Zlatibor with my friends and I really had rest. Having in mind that we were on the mountain there was no place for some really elegant outfits, but I managed to pick one. You've already seen this long nude skirt HERE, but this time it's combined with the top. How do you like it?
Skirt - Knitting and Fashion
Top - Terranova
Sandals - Non-branded
Clutch 1- Stradivarius
Clutch 2 - Non-branded
Watch - Cerutti
Sunglasses - Non-branded
I spent last 5 days on Zlatibor with my friends and I really had rest. Having in mind that we were on the mountain there was no place for some really elegant outfits, but I managed to pick one. You've already seen this long nude skirt HERE, but this time it's combined with the top. How do you like it?
Skirt - Knitting and Fashion
Top - Terranova
Sandals - Non-branded
Clutch 1- Stradivarius
Clutch 2 - Non-branded
Watch - Cerutti
Sunglasses - Non-branded
Mnogo volim maxi suknje. Odlično!
ОдговориИзбришиHvala. :)