среда, 31. јул 2013.

Short vacation post

Prethodnih 5 dana sam provela na Zlatiboru sa društvom i baš sam se odmorila. S obzirom da smo na planini nije bilo mesta za neke baš elegantne odevne kombinacije, ali evo uspela sam da odaberem jednu. Ovu puder dugu suknju ste već videli OVDE, ali ovaj put je u kombinaciji sa topom. Kako vam se dopada?

I spent last 5 days on Zlatibor with my friends and I really had rest. Having in mind that we were on the mountain there was no place for some really elegant outfits, but I managed to pick one. You've already seen this long nude skirt HERE, but this time it's combined with the top. How do you like it?

Skirt - Knitting and Fashion
Top - Terranova
Sandals - Non-branded
Clutch 1- Stradivarius
Clutch 2 - Non-branded
Watch - Cerutti
Sunglasses - Non-branded

среда, 17. јул 2013.

Just put your jumpsuit on and go!

Pre nekoliko dana sam uzela ovaj kombinezon i moram da priznam da je odličan. Materijal je toliko lagan i prijatan da imate želju da ga stalno nosite. Idealna kombinacija i za dnevnu i za večernju varijantu.

A few days ago I bought this jumpsuit and I have to admit that it's great. The fabric is so light and pleasant that you want to wear it all the time.The ideal combination both for the day and for the evening.

Jumpusit - Non-branded
Espadrilles - New Look
Watch - Fossil
Sunglasses - Zara
Necklace - Knitting and Fashion
Bag - Glam up

среда, 10. јул 2013.

Summer favourites

Ovog puta je post nešto drugačije vrste, tačnije nije odevna kombinacija nego kozmetika koju u poslednje vreme najčešće koristim. Stavila sam svega po malo, od preparata za negu kose, tela, pa do šminke. Možda vam se dopadne neki od proizvoda pa ga i same probate.

This time the post is of different type, actually it's not the outfit, but the cosmetic products I've been using recently. I put a little bit of everything, from products for hair care, body care to make-up. You may like some of these and even try them yourselves.

Ovaj puder u kamenu, tj. kuglicama sam skoro kupila i odličan je. Lagan je i daje blagi svetlucavi sjaj.
I bought this compact powder, i.e. balls recently and it's great. It's light and gives the delicate shine.

Shimmer Alverde 3042

Ovo rumenilo se sastoji iz dve boje koje bi trebalo da se nanose zajedno. Prvo narandžasta, pa onda smeđa. Ja ih nekad kombinujem, a nekada koristim smeđu kao bronzer.
This blush consists of two colours and they should be put on together. Firstly you put the orange one, then the brown one. I sometimes combine them, and sometimes I only use the brown one as a bronzer.

Blush Flormar 46

Ove dve maskare trenutno koristim. Obe su za volumen, mada je ova roze mnogo bolja.
At the moment I use these two mascaras. Both of them are with the volume effect, but the pink one is far better.

1. Manhattan Supersize False Lash Look Mascara
2. Rimmel Extra Super Lash Mascara

Korektor je nešto bez čega ne mogu. Prvi put da imam odgovarajući korektor koji nije ni previše suv, niti previše mastan.
The concealer is something which is necessary. For the first time I have the adequate concealer, which is not too dry nor too oily.

Essence Coverstick Matt Honey 03

Trenutno su mi ova dva karmina omiljena. Posebno ovaj u puder boji, jer daje usnama nežnu boju i idealan je za sve prilike.
At the moment these two lipsticks are my favourite ones. Especially the one in the nude colour, because it gives the lips the delicate smooth colour and it's perfect for all occassions.

Fashion Lipstick N12
Oriflame Lipstick Caramel 512

Iako često ne koristim sjajeve, ovaj mi se dopada jer ima divnu teksturu, ne lepi se i ne osetite ga na usnama.
Even though I don't use lip-glosses, I like this one because of it's gorgeous texture, it's not sticky and you don't feel it on the lips.

Christian Dior Lip-Gloss Sofia Silver 005

I u letnjem periodu je potrebno koristiti kremu za ruke, ali problem je naći neku koja brzo upija i dobro hidrira kožu. Ja sam od mame uzela ovu i sada je obožavam. Savršena je, a plus je od kozijeg mleka i odlična je za jačanje noktiju i fleke po rukama.
Even during this summer period it's necessary to use the hand cream, but the problem is how to find the one which absorbs fast and hidrates the skin. I took this one from my mother and I love it. It's perfect and plus it's made of goat's milk and it strengthens nails and lightens the marks on the hands.

Eveline Hand and Nail Cream-Mask

Ovaj šampon je odličan i prirodan je. Ne sadrži silikon koji sprečava rast kose. Pakovanje izgleda jeftino, ali je efekat fenomenalan.
This shampoo is great and it's natural. It doesn't contain silicon, which prevents hair growing. The package looks cheap, but the effect is amazing.

Hellena Shampoo Nettle

Ovaj balzam koristim po prvi put i zadovoljna sam. Čak se nikad pre nisam susrela sa ovim proizvođačem, ali ga preporučujem.
I'm using this conditioner for the first time and I'm satisfied. I have never had experience with this brand, but I recommend it.

Profi Line Hair Culture Balsam

Ovo sam otkrila pre 2 godine u Budimpešti i nisam prestala da ga koristim od tada. To je mleko za kosu koje se nanosi nakon pranja i ne ispira se. Divno miriše i štiti je od topline fena ili pegle.
I found this 2 years ago in Budapest and I haven't stopped using it since then. That's the hair milk which should be put on the hair after you wash it and you don't have to rinse it. It smells beautifully and protects hair from the heat of the hair dryer and iron.

Balea Feuchtigkeits Haarmilch Mango+Aloe Vera

Pre nekoliko dana sam kupila ovu kupku. Odlična je za ove tople dana, jer je od eukaliptusa i hladi.
A few days ago I bought this shower gel. It's superb for these warm days, because it's from eucalyptus and has a cooling effect.

Balea Krauter Bad Eukalyptus

петак, 5. јул 2013.

Red lipstick

Evo i novog posta! Otkako su počele vrućine ja ne izlazim iz topa, jer je to jedini način da mi ne ostaju beli delovi na dekolteu od majica. Ovu suknju sam uzela davno u Španiji i baš mi je draga iako se teško pegla, što se može i videti. :) Kao detalj je poslužila ogrlica sa natpisom ,,sedam'', jer je to moj srećan broj i broj meseca u kom sam rođena. Još i crveni karmin da malo začini sve. Podelite sa mnom vaša mišljenja. 

Here is the new post! Since the warm weather started I don't take off the top, because it's the only way to avoid having white parts from T-shirts on the decolltage. I bought this skirt in Spain a long time ago and I really like it even though it's difficult to iron, which is obvious. :) As a detail I used the necklace with the inscription "seven", because it's my lucky number and the number of the month I was born. And the red lipstick spiced up everything. Share your opinions with me.

Skirt - Stradivarius
Top - Terranova
Balerinas - Peacocks
Bag - a present
Necklace - Accessorize
Watch - Cerruti
Sunglasses - Zara

уторак, 2. јул 2013.

Checked shirt and pearls

Prvo je red da vam se izvinim zato što me dugo nije bilo. Jedini razlog je što nije imao ko da me slika. Ali čim sam uspela naći nekoga sa malo slobodnog vremena, napravila sam ovaj post. Ovaj autfit je bio dugo u planu, ali nekako mi je uvek falio neki modni detalj da upotpuni kombinaciju. Mislim da je sa ovom glomaznom bisernom ogrlicom sve dobilo pravi smisao. Otkako sam je dobila ne skidam je. U ovom postu možete videti i novog fotografa, kome se ovom prilikom zahvaljujem. :) Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija?

Firstly, I have to apologize, because I was absent for a long time. The only reason for that is that there was no one to take photos of me. But, as soon as I found someone who had some free time, I made this post. This outfit was planned a log time ago, but I always felt that something was missing to make the whole combination complete. I think that with this huge pearl necklace everything gained true sense. Since I got it, I'm not taking it off. In this post you can see the new photographer to whom I want to thank. :) How do you like this combination?

Shirt - Calliope
Shorts - New Yorker
Sneakers - Zara
Bag - Non-branded
Necklace - Knitting and Fashion
Sunglasses - Zara
Watch - Fossil