субота, 4. мај 2013.

Happy Easter!

Pošto je danas Uskrs odlučila sam da ovaj post bude posvećen tom prazniku. U Delta šoping centru se nalaze jaja koja su šarala deca i ceo objekat je ukrašen jajima. U jednom delu se nalazi i izložbeni prostor sa jajima umetnika. Pokušala sam da vam prenesem deo Uskršnje atmosfere. Među slikama se nalaze i jaja koja sam ja šarala. :) Želim vam sve najlepše za praznike i uživajte sa porodicom i prijateljima! Hristos vaskrse!

As you know, today is Easter and I decided to dedicate this post to that holiday. In Delta shopping mall there are eggs painted by children and the whole building is decorated with eggs. In one part there is an exhibition area with the eggs made by artists. I tried to show you a bit of that Easter atmosphere. In the photos there are some of the eggs I painted myself. :) I wish you all the best for holidays and enjoy with your family and friends! Hristos vaskrse!

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