петак, 22. новембар 2013.

Red beanie

Danas je konačno sunčano napolju i slike izgledaju bolje zbog svetla. Iako sam juče imala nekoga da me slika, nisam se slikala, jer je vreme bilo užasno. Pošto nam stižu hladni dani, oblačimo se slojevito i to me na neki način raduje. Volim da nosim i kape i šalove i imam ih zaista mnogo. Ovo je moja nova i sada i omiljena kapa Knitting and Fashion. Na njihovoj stranici možete poručiti i neke druge pletene stvari ili možete da ih kreirate i sami i takve poručite. Koji je vaš omiljeni zimski detalj?

Finally it's sunny today and the photos look better because of the light. Even though I had someone to take photos of me yesterday, I couldn't manage, because the weather was awful. The cold days are coming, so we wear layered outfits and that makes me happy in a way. I love to wear beanie caps and shawls and I really have many of them. This is my new and for now the favourite beanie cap Knitting and Fashion. You can order some other knitted things on their page or you can create them by yourselves and then order. Which is your favourite winter accessorize?

Coat - Zara
Leggings - thanks to Sheinside
Jersey - non-branded
Boots - non-branded
Bag - New Yorker
Shawl - Knitting and Fashion
Beanie - Knitting and Fashion
Sunglasses - Zara

уторак, 5. новембар 2013.

Knock, knock! Autumn is here!

Znam da sam u poslednje vreme bila lenja i da nisam postovala, ali jednostavno naiđu i takvi dani. Danas kad sam odlučila da se slikam, pala je kiša i zato slike i nisu baš najbolje, ali je post tu. :) Odlučila sam se za kožne helanke u kojima sam stalno, crni džemper, parku, braon čizme i maramu koja je malo začinila sve. Kakav je vaš izbor odeće za ove kišne dane?

I know that I was lazy recently and I haven't posted, but those days simply come. Today when I decided to take photos, it's raining and that's why the photos aren't really good, but the post is here. :) I chose leather leggings, which I wear all the time, black sweater, parka, brown boots and spiced it all up with a scarf. What's your choice of clothing for these rainy days?

Thanks to my lovely photographer! :)

Parka - Bershka
Leggings - thanks to Sheinside
Sweater - NewYorker
Scarf - NewYorker
Bag - NewYorker
Boots - Non-branded
Watch - Cerutti