уторак, 21. мај 2013.

Quick random post

Dragi svi, kao što znate bliži se ispitni rok pa tako nemam vremena, a ni kreativnosti i zato ne izbacujem postove često. U pauzi učenja nastao je ovaj post sa mojom dragom bakom (fotografom). :)

Dear all, as you know the beginning of exam period is close so I neither have time nor creativity and that's why I don't post often. I made this post with my dear granny (photographer) during the study break. :)

Shorts - New Yorker
T-shirt - Non-branded
Sandals - Bata
Sunglasses - Police
Watch - Fossil
Bag - David Jones

недеља, 19. мај 2013.

New sandals

Evo konačno novog posta. Nemam baš mnogo vremena stoga ni ne mogu tako često da izbacujem nove postove. Već dugo sam gledala ove sandale i zaljubila sam se u njih, pa sam morala da ih kupim. Kombinacija je kao što vidite krajnje obična, farmerke, bela atlet majica i prsluk i sve sam malo začinila nakitom.

Finally, here's the new post. I don't have a lot of time so I can't post that often. I've been looking these sandals for a long time and I fell in love with them and I had to buy them. As you can see the outfit is really simple, jeans, white vest and waistcoat and I spiced everything up with jewellery.

Jeans - New Yorker
Vest - New Yorker
Waistcoat - Timeout
Sandals - Catherine H
Watch - Cerruti
Sunglasses - Zara
Rings - Accessorize, non-branded
Bag - Glam up

среда, 15. мај 2013.

Long flowery dress

Za početak želim da se izvinim što me nije bilo u poslednje vreme. Razlog za to je što ili nisam imala vremena, a kada sam ga imala nisam bila raspoložena za slikanje. Haljina koju sam odabrala za ovaj post mi je jedna od omiljenjih, jer je lagana i odlično se osećam u njoj, a pritom izgledam pristojno. Kupljena je davno u jednoj indijskoj prodavnici. Kombinovala sam je sa plavim espadrilama i kao mali detalj je mašna u kosi. Kako vam se dopada?

Firstly, I want to apologize because I wasn't active recently. The reason for that is the lack of time or the lack of good mood for taking photos. The dress I chose for this post is one of my favourite, because it's light and I feel great in it and at the same time I look fine. It's bought a long time ago in an Indian shop. I combined it with blue espadrilles and as a small detail I tied my hair with a bow. How do you like it?

Dress - Non-branded
Espadrilles - New Look
Bag - Glam up
Watch - Fossil
Sunglasses - Zara
Bow - present

понедељак, 6. мај 2013.

Lace and denim

Veoma mi se dopada kombinacija teksasa i čipke, stoga je to bio moj jučerašnji izbor. I haljina i jakna su kupljene sasvim slučajno. Jaknu bukvalno ne skidam. :) Kako vam se dopada?

I like very much the combination of denim and lace, so that was my choice for yesterday. Both dress and jacket are bought accidentally. I literally don't take the jacket off. :) How do you like it?

Dress - Qed London
Jacket - Mango
Balerinas - Metro
Bag - New Yorker
Sunglasses - Zara
Watch - Fossil

субота, 4. мај 2013.

Happy Easter!

Pošto je danas Uskrs odlučila sam da ovaj post bude posvećen tom prazniku. U Delta šoping centru se nalaze jaja koja su šarala deca i ceo objekat je ukrašen jajima. U jednom delu se nalazi i izložbeni prostor sa jajima umetnika. Pokušala sam da vam prenesem deo Uskršnje atmosfere. Među slikama se nalaze i jaja koja sam ja šarala. :) Želim vam sve najlepše za praznike i uživajte sa porodicom i prijateljima! Hristos vaskrse!

As you know, today is Easter and I decided to dedicate this post to that holiday. In Delta shopping mall there are eggs painted by children and the whole building is decorated with eggs. In one part there is an exhibition area with the eggs made by artists. I tried to show you a bit of that Easter atmosphere. In the photos there are some of the eggs I painted myself. :) I wish you all the best for holidays and enjoy with your family and friends! Hristos vaskrse!

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