Evo odlučila sam da napravim i jedan post gde ću onima koji me prate pokloniti nešto. Verovatno već znate o čemu je reč. Naime, brend Knitting and Fashion poklanja ovu narukvicu sa slike, a pravila su sledeća:
Lajkujte njihovu stranicu na Fejsbuku https://www.facebook.com/pages/Knitting-and-Fashion/219288414868019?fref=ts
Lajkujte stranicu mog bloga https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fashion-and-Style-by-Natasa/544367412295548
I ostavite mejl u komentaru ispod posta.
Pobednica će biti nasumično izabrana uz pomoć random sajta. Igramo se do ponedeljka uveče!
Here I decided to make one post where I can give you a present. You probably already know what it is about. Namely, the brand Knitting and Fashion gives this bracelet from the photo and the rules are the following:
Like their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Knitting-and-Fashion/219288414868019?fref=ts
Like my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fashion-and-Style-by-Natasa/544367412295548
And leave your e-mail as a comment below.
The winner will be chosen randomly with the help of the random site. We are playing till Monday evening!